Événement / International

13 éme fib PhD-Symposium In Civil Engineering


Who can participate

PhD students in the field of Civil Engineering, who have not submitted their thesis yet. Supervisors of the students and other experts are also welcome to join the symposium and participate to discussion. 


The excellent papers and presentations will be awarded.


  • Innovation in materials and structures
  • Construction technology
  • Structural analysis and design
  • Durability and life assessment
  • Sustainability and life cycle assessment
  • Monitoring and structural assessment

Organizing comittee

Fabrice Gatuingt, Jean Michel Torrenti, Olivier Plé, Jean Luc Clément, 
Farid Benboudjema

Official website

Proposed scientific committee

Sofiane Amziane, chairman – France

Maria Aiello, Karim Aït-Mokhtar,Pedro de Oliveira Almeida, György Balázs, Joseé Bastien, Beatrice Belletti, Konrad Bergmeister, Hans-Dieter Beushausen, Francesco Biasioli, Stéphanie Bonnet, Mikael Braestrup, Abraham Corriols, Edoardo Cosenza, Manfred Curbach, Radim Čajka, Avraham Dancygier, Frank Dehn, Wit Derkowski, Vyacheslav Falikman, Michael Fardis, David Fernández-Ordóñez, Stephen Foster, Hans-Rudolf Ganz, Fabrice Gatuingt, Elhem Ghorbel, Petr Hájek, Steinar Helland, Nico Herrmann, Sung Gul Hong, Dick Hordijk, Gintaris Kaklauskas, Milan Kalný, Akio Kasuga, Alena Kohoutková, Lidia La Mendola, Ahmed Loukili, Xilin Lu, Koichi Maekawa, Yann Malecot, Riadh Al-Mahaidi, Giuseppe Mancini, Antonio Marí, Alberto Meda, Aurelio Muttoni, Harald Müller, Takafumi Noguchi, Albert Noumowe, Tor Ole Olsen, Alessandro Palermo, Peter Paulík, Marisa Pecce, Hugo Corres Peiretti, Carlo Pellegrino, Arnaud Perrot, Giovanni Plizzari, Marco di Prisco, Radomír Pukl, Sébastien Remond, Paolo Riva, Anna Saetta, Koji Sakai, Marco Savoia, Johan Silfwerbrand, Alfred Strauss, Fernando Stucchi, Luc Taerwe, Jean-Michel Torrenti, François Toutlemonde, Lucie Vandewalle, Jan Vítek, Sherif Yehia, Yamei Zhang, Bin Zhao




L'événement est passé.